Kuala Lumpur, 20, November 2017 – With reference to the article in The Malay Mail titled “Rehda: Loosen loan restrictions”, The Association of Banks in Malaysia (ABM) would like to reiterate that its member banks, which comprise the commercial banks operating in Malaysia, have been and will continue to provide home loans to all eligible borrowers. Commercial banks are in the business of lending and will continue to extend financing to viable applicants.
The allegation that banks are imposing strict rules on purchasers applying for loans is not true. In determining the eligibility of an applicant, banks take into consideration various factors such as the capability of the applicant to repay the loan. Eligible applicants that meet the bank’s criteria will not be rejected.
This is evidenced by the increase of 8.8% in the outstanding housing loans by the banking system as at end-September 2017. Financing remains available for eligible borrowers, with 71% of housing loan borrowers being first-time owners of affordable homes.
Over the last 18 months, ABM has issued many press statements to clarify the various issues pertaining to housing loans. Please refer to ABM’s website, www.abm.org.my, for the said press releases. In addition, the public can obtain credible information pertaining to housing loans from
Our member banks have been and will continue to remain prudent and responsible in providing housing loans to eligible house buyers.