Banks ready to assist customers affected by floods

December 20, 2021

Kuala Lumpur, Monday, 20 December 2021 – The Association of Banks in Malaysia (ABM) and its member banks are sympathetic to the plight of those who have been affected by the recent floods around the country.  ABM member banks would like to assure their customers who are victims of the said floods that the banks stand ready to provide repayment assistance to those affected. 

Banks have prepared specific flood relief assistance for their customers that have been impacted by the floods.  The assistance offered is based on customised programmes by individual banks and may include, among other things, deferment of repayment of loans, and waiver of fees and charges to replace lost/damaged bank documents and bank cards. 

Bank customers who are in flood affected areas are advised to check announcements from their banks as to the banks’ suggested approach and application to submit their request for flood relief assistance.  Such announcements will be posted on the banks’ various channels including at bank branches, on the banks’ websites and social media channels.

ABM member banks have also taken various measures to ensure that basic banking services will be made available to flood affected customers.  Notices will be put up at affected branches as well as the banks’ websites informing customers of the nearest available bank branch to carry out their banking.

Flood affected customers who require assistance are advised to contact their banks directly.  A list of contact details for ABM member banks can be obtained from ABM’s website .

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